Monday, April 7, 2008

Rugby Songs (con.)

The next song that was sung was by Emily 'Max' Lomax from BSU and she was the song leader for 'Monday's A Working Day'. *WARNING*: this song is crude and does have cussing involved:

Monday's a Working Day!
Monday's a Working Day!

How's your mother?
How's your sister?
Too tight
When's the last time?
Last night
When's the next time?
So is everybody fucking happy?

You bet your ass we are!

Monday's a work-work-working day!
(Everybody repeats)
Tuesday's a puke-puke-puking day! (you spit your beer everywhere)
(Everybody repeats)
Wednesday's a whack-whack-whack-a-day
(Everybody repeats)
Thursday's a smoke-smoke-smoking day
(Everybody repeats)
Friday's a fuck-fuck-fucking day
(Everbody repeats)
Saturday's a rugby day!
(Everybody repeats)
Sunday's the Lord's day! (usually whispered and have hands folded in prayer)

*Max would repeat this over and over again*


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's our version:
Monday is a whacking day
Tuesday is a finger day
Wednesday is a practice day
Thursday is an aaaanal day
Friday is a fucking
Saturday is a rugby day
Sunday is the Lord's day